Tag Archives: demographics

How to create more inclusive data collection tools and benefit from more actionable market research results

From a land solely populated by indigenous peoples, the last five hundred or so years brought an influx of people from all over the world to what is now Canada. According to 2016 census data, about 22% of people in […]

9 Essential Checks for a Questionnaire Pilot Test

When you’ve finally finished writing your questionnaire, after you’ve written, rewritten, and edited it ten times and the client has rewritten and edited it another ten times, you’re ready to test it in field with a small percentage of your […]

When to use a probability versus a nonprobability sample

There are two main types of samples and researchers are regularly at odds with each other over which one is better. In reality, neither is better. Each one is better suited for some needs and less so for other needs. […]

5 free ways to increase questionnaire engagement

My questionnaire is the most interesting and engaging questionnaire ever written. Not. Every researcher likes to think that the questionnaires they write are of excellent quality and highly engaging. That’s a worthy goal, and one we should strive for everyone […]

Are your research screeners kicking out the most insightful questionnaire participants?

We know who our target research audience is. Or do we? Conducting market research for your product or service usually means targeting your brand users. Who better to explain the good, the bad, and the ugly than those who already […]

What is a GenPop market research study?

By Lisa Wright You might call it GepPop or CensusRep but it’s all the same thing. General Population and Census Representative targets and samples have one goal in mind – to generate results from groups of people whose demographics mirror […]

Bigger is better and other myths about research panels

By Sasha Haig One of the most common, and important, questions we get is “how big is your panel.” It’s a valid and important question but it hides a lot of truths. Let’s break that question apart into the essential […]

7 ways to reduce your research costs

By Carol Udell Good quality research isn’t cheap but there are a few things you can consider when your budget is tight and research is necessary. 1)   Broaden your target groups. It’s nearly always cheaper to run research with […]

What sample size do I need for my market research questionnaire?

The question is simple but the answer is complicated. I hope you’ll read through the entire post but you can jump to the bottom if you’re in a hurry for an answer. First, let’s understand the components that contribute to […]

How to ask gender, age, employment, and income questions on self-completion surveys

Demographic questions should be fairly easy to ask as everyone knows the right answer for themselves. But it’s not always so simple. Here are a few tips for asking those ‘simple’ questions that will help you elicit the most valid […]