Consumer panel and Premium sample
Our proprietary Canadian consumer panel is double opt-in, bilingual, ID-validated, and PIPEDA-compliant panel. We provide best-in-class technology for digital fingerprinting and fraud prevention. We deliver premium data using all data collection methods, and we pride ourselves on our quality assurance processes that often exceed industry standards. Whether our clients need to understand better the opinions of affluent shoppers, surgeons, children, or the general population, we provide them with premium sample to help them make timely data-driven decisions.
We build our panel using a variety of carefully chosen offline and online strategies as opposed to simply acquiring third party lists. As such, our panel reaches a diverse audience.
Our on-going recruitment strategies ensure our consumer panel is diverse yet carefully targeted to meet our clients’ unique needs. We actively over-recruit highly desired demographic groups so you can fulfill your desired targets and quotas more quickly.
Our panelists are extensively profiled and we continually add new profiling questions to suit our clients’ needs. Profiling categories range from basic demographics to psychographic, behavioural, purchase questions related to topics such as automotive, financial, pets, and an extensive selection of medical ailments and concerns.
We actively manage our panel to ensure your data quality is as high as possible. By mailing physical incentive cheques, we validate the name and physical location of every panelist. And, people are immediately removed from the panel if emails hard-bounce, if they provide questionable data 3 times, if they ignore 10 consecutive research invitations, or if they ask to unsubscribe.
Our panelists are responsive to both qualitative and quantitative projects. When combined with our offline capabilities, including CATI (telephone) and face-to-face (intercepts), we can help you create highly diverse and robust samples.