On-site Activation

Brand activation measurement seeks to determine the efficacy of advertising and marketing campaigns that take place in the real world – at sports and music events, markets, festivals, and more. By including audiences in the experience and being more engaging than traditional methods, the goal is to increase the memorability of the brand and generate higher ROI.

How does it work

Once you’ve decided on your research objective and your questionnaire, our network of trained, bilingual interviewers will attend the live venue to collect data from the audience, perhaps in the facility or after they leave the facility. Our experienced interviewers interact with people to obtain valid and reliable opinions about the event they are currently, or have just completed, experiencing.​


  • This methodology can drastically improve your targeting accuracy given that interviewers will speak with people who were guaranteed to be at the event.
  • Measure the immediate effects of sponsor visibility, awareness, brand image, and affinity.
  • Easily learn which types of media, content, and sponsorship generated the highest ROI.
  • Focus on key target demographics and expand to the entire audience.​