Tag Archives: data collection

What is a GenPop market research study?

By Lisa Wright You might call it GepPop or CensusRep but it’s all the same thing. General Population and Census Representative targets and samples have one goal in mind – to generate results from groups of people whose demographics mirror […]

Is that in-person interview part of a quantitative or qualitative study?

By Sasha Haig This article originally appeared on the Canadian Viewpoint blog. Your colleague is conducting a face-to-face mall-intercept research project. You instantly know it’s qualitative research project. Or do you? One of the tricky things about research is that […]

What products work well for the IHUT research methodology?

By Kim Storer Your imagination is the limit! While IHUTs are not recommended for very expensive or confidential products, consumers can test nearly anything in the comfort of their own home. Consumables: It doesn’t matter if a product needs to […]

What are the disadvantages of the IHUT research methodology?

By Kim Storer It’s a bit difficult to list out the disadvantages of IHUTs as the advantages are so abundant. But, even the best of products aren’t always best for IHUT testing. Let’s consider some reasons why you might choose […]

What are the advantages of the IHUT research methodology?

By Kim Storer Market researchers and brand managers have many tools available to them, from focus groups, to interviews, questionnaires, communities, facial coding, and more. So why would they choose an IHUT? Well, IHUTS offer numerous benefits. Touchy feely products: […]

How high will you climb to measure your brand activation?

By Jason Zweig This article originally appeared on the Canadian Viewpoint blog. What do you call a 120-foot tall rock climbing wall in the middle of New York city’s Times Square? Why naturally, it’s a brand activation for Toyota Rav4, […]

What exactly is the IHUT research methodology?

By Kim Storer If you tuned into this post because of an interest in football, I’ll let you down easy by sharing this little-known fact. The pithy cry ‘Hut!’ evolved over the last 100 years as a quick, snappy sound […]

Bigger is better and other myths about research panels

By Sasha Haig One of the most common, and important, questions we get is “how big is your panel.” It’s a valid and important question but it hides a lot of truths. Let’s break that question apart into the essential […]

7 ways to reduce your research costs

By Carol Udell Good quality research isn’t cheap but there are a few things you can consider when your budget is tight and research is necessary. 1)   Broaden your target groups. It’s nearly always cheaper to run research with […]

What sample size do I need for my market research questionnaire?

The question is simple but the answer is complicated. I hope you’ll read through the entire post but you can jump to the bottom if you’re in a hurry for an answer. First, let’s understand the components that contribute to […]