Tag Archives: data collection

Focus Groups Are Better Than Biometrics for Marketing Research

Yes, that’s a clickbait title. It’s also a very common and genuine sentiment. If you run a quick search on Twitter for “better than focus groups,” you can see that they take a lot of heat for not being the […]

A practical explanation of transparency for market and social researchers

The ICC/ESOMAR International Code on Market, Opinion, and Social Research and data Analytics identifies three fundamental principles for researchers. The first one focuses on transparency: When collecting personal data from data subjects for the purpose of research, researchers must be […]

It’s not easy to write a questionnaire and this is the proof

If you’re reading this post, chances are you know how to write. You’ve been writing your name since you were 4 years of age and you’ve been writing well composed sentences since you were about 10 years of age. Of […]

What if everything you’re doing to design a marketing research study is wrong?

Chances are, most everything you’re doing when it comes to marketing research is based on a template. You’ve got standardized questionnaire modules that you tweak and edit so that they’re relevant to each project. You’ve got a set of 3 […]

Is consumer recall of past purchases and behaviours fact or fake news?

What did you have for lunch today? What about last Tuesday? What about three weeks ago last Tuesday? Honestly, I have no clue what I had for lunch last Tuesday, let alone three weeks ago. And yet, these are the […]

More Naked Packaging Please! The environment needs it and people are demanding it.

Packaging is a double-edged sword. It makes single serve food, beverages, and meals-to-go more practical and convenient. It facilitates safe and speedy transportation from producer to buyer. It helps shoppers quickly identify the products they need and want. At the […]

Canadian Viewpoint is on the Women in Research shortlist for the Best Places to Work Award 2019!

Women in Research (WIRe) just announced the shortlist of 22 companies in the running for the WIRe Best Places to Work Award and we’re delighted to see our company is on the list along with one other Canadian company, DIG […]

Have car, don’t drive: How market research solved the mystery of car renters who didn’t drive the car anywhere

Making the rounds last week was a news article in The Asahi Shimbun sharing their mysterious problem that a lot of people in Japan were renting cars but never driving them. Given that the company earns at least part of […]

Nancy Drew and the Secret of the Market Research Love Affair

In our high school and college years, most of us has no idea that market research was a career, let alone a career that could be fascinating and personally fulfilling. We magically discovered it when we saw a job listing […]

Bitcoin Sentiment Tracker: A national gauge of consumer perceptions and attitudes towards bitcoin, by CorbinPartners Inc. for Payments Canada

As a company that specializes in fieldwork and data collection, Canadian Viewpoint’s work is usually a quiet foundation supporting larger projects. But when we saw Payments Canada’s public report about Bitcoin produced by CorbinPartners, we were pleased to see our […]