Tag Archives: data collection

Donuts delivered and popcorn procured: What does a fieldwork company think about food delivery services?

There’s nothing new about food delivery. We’ve been ordering pizza delivered to our front doors for decades and it usually arrives pretty hot within 40 minutes or so, depending on whether you’ve got 1 inch or 3 meters of snow […]

Market Research Myths: Market research is questionnaires

This is a fortunate myth! Quantitative questionnaires are certainly one of the most common techniques used by market and social researchers. They have a prime advantage of allowing researchers, brand managers, market managers, and others who wish to understand their […]

Market Research Myths: Public data offers everything we need

Public data is a valuable resource for market and social researchers. For those who have limited budgets, public data may form the bulk of data available to them. On the other hand, even researchers who have commendable budgets eagerly wait […]

Market Research Mythbusters: Research reports aren’t useful!

When you’ve invested thousands of dollars into a research study, the report should be useful and actionable, one that is regularly studied and referred to. And, if there is a paper version, dog-eared and bookmarked, and weathered with love. With […]

Conducting research is easy… if you understand hundreds of cognitive biases!

If you’re equipped with excellent written or interpersonal communication skills, conducting research is easy. You identify hypotheses, develop questions or discussion guides to address them, and you’re done! Except you’re not done. People come prewired with literally hundreds of cognitive […]

The good, the bad, and the ugly of the NPS score

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a common metric used by management to gauge customer relationships. It consists of a single question that asks about likelihood to recommend. But there is wide disagreement about whether the Net Promoter Score is […]

Can market researchers ditch the p-value?

Among quantitative researchers, p-values are a much desired yet disputed topic. P-values help us by identifying the likelihood that two (or more) numbers in our research results would be different by chance, thereby allowing us to identify which products and […]

What are the different types of marketing segmentation?

In the marketing world, segmentation research involves identifying subgroups of people within a larger population so that each subgroup has similar needs or desires. Understanding the various segments of people within a product or service category allows marketers to design […]

Survival Guide for Attending Market Research Conferences

Conferences can be exhilarating and tiring but if you do a bit of planning ahead, you just might survive. Here are 9 tips to help you survive your next conference! Register early. Ideally, pick up your registration package the day […]

Chunking: What shall we do with a questionnaire that’s too long?

You have many options when a questionnaire is simply too long to start programming and fieldwork because it will generate poor response rates and poor data quality. You can cut answer options. You can cut questions. You can vastly increase […]