Tag Archives: panel

7 Tips to Update Your Brand Tracker

Every year, we end up with the same task. Do a quick update of every annual tracker and get it into field – now! But really, a quick update should actually be a careful and thorough update. By ensuring the […]

5 free ways to increase questionnaire engagement

My questionnaire is the most interesting and engaging questionnaire ever written. Not. Every researcher likes to think that the questionnaires they write are of excellent quality and highly engaging. That’s a worthy goal, and one we should strive for everyone […]

Are your research screeners kicking out the most insightful questionnaire participants?

We know who our target research audience is. Or do we? Conducting market research for your product or service usually means targeting your brand users. Who better to explain the good, the bad, and the ugly than those who already […]

Bigger is better and other myths about research panels

By Sasha Haig One of the most common, and important, questions we get is “how big is your panel.” It’s a valid and important question but it hides a lot of truths. Let’s break that question apart into the essential […]

What sample size do I need for my market research questionnaire?

The question is simple but the answer is complicated. I hope you’ll read through the entire post but you can jump to the bottom if you’re in a hurry for an answer. First, let’s understand the components that contribute to […]

Top 5 tips for writing a questionnaire people will want to answer

By Sasha Haig Everyone who writes questionnaires wants to be rewarded with high response rates and high completion rates. This is not always easy, particularly when a questionnaire is long or about a topic that many people would find boring. […]