Tag Archives: panelist

Sampling Is Easy

  Sampling is really easy. You just need to know where your target audience is. Whether they have a computer at home or have to go to a public library to borrow one. Whether they have a mobile phone to […]

Five Quick Tips For Effective Use of Marketing Research Data Tabulations

Data tables can be intimidating. A questionnaire of moderate length can have hundreds of columns and thousands of rows to wade through. At the same time, tables generally incorporate extremely valuable features that save researchers a lot of time. But […]

Why Don’t Research Access Panels Match Census Demographics?

When you need to gather opinions from hundreds or thousands of people from across the country, research access panels are a great option. People have already consented to be contacted and share their opinions about a variety of topics, and […]

U&A&H&P: What are the key components to learn about consumers, customers, and category users?

The words are different but the application is the same. Usage and Attitudes studies, also called Habits and Practices studies, help researchers and marketers understand consumers and customers in order to build and innovate products and services. They are an […]

Can market researchers ditch the p-value?

Among quantitative researchers, p-values are a much desired yet disputed topic. P-values help us by identifying the likelihood that two (or more) numbers in our research results would be different by chance, thereby allowing us to identify which products and […]

What are the different types of marketing segmentation?

In the marketing world, segmentation research involves identifying subgroups of people within a larger population so that each subgroup has similar needs or desires. Understanding the various segments of people within a product or service category allows marketers to design […]

How to create great subject lines for email survey invitations

Ever since researchers realized that people could be invited to participate in research via email (wow, has it really been 20 years?), crafting effective subject lines has been an essential and tricky part of the research business. What is the […]

Thank you, Teachers, for getting kids interested in the marketing research industry

Look at any list of what kids want to be when they grow up and you’ll find teachers, athletes, firefighters, police officers, pilots, veterinarians, and doctors. This makes sense, of course, because these are the professions that kids are most […]

Bigger is better and other myths about research panels

By Sasha Haig One of the most common, and important, questions we get is “how big is your panel.” It’s a valid and important question but it hides a lot of truths. Let’s break that question apart into the essential […]