Canadian Viewpoint has extensive experience conducting online surveys in Canada and the USA.
For nearly four decades, we’ve been trusted to successfully sample and survey the most difficult target groups from our proprietary, opt-in, validated panel of consumers and medical professionals. Whether you need to better understand the opinions of young men, affluent shoppers, surgeons, or the general population, we will get you the high quality data you need to make wise decisions quickly and accurately.Please click here to request a quote or continue reading to learn more.
OmniUber is a flexible and targeted solution to conduct cost effective, customized studies. Forget cost-sharing. Every OmniUber includes only your questions so you don’t have to worry about cognitive biases such as how questions from other contributors will affect responses to your questions.
APPLICATIONS: OmniUber is a high value option when you need to run quick:
- ad tests
- incidence tests
- polls
- pitch and proposal research
- business development research
- story generation
- other types of quick research.
PROCESS: It’s easy to get started.
- Select your desired sample size from three options: N=500, N=1,000, N=1,500
- Provide your 5 custom questions
- Age, gender, and region are free and already included for a total of 8 questions!
FULL CUSTOMIZATION: Both targets and fielding are fully customizable.
- Use Statistics Canada census data, US Census data, or custom targets fully defined by you
- Field OmniUber according to your schedule, including evenings and weekends
- Your results will be available in 48 to 72 hours depending on your desired sample size
Are you ready to work with a trusted, local partner to generate high quality survey data? Please click here to request a quote.
Learn more about survey design