Search Results for: pricing

Words of wisdom to get your research job done right the first time

The essence of market research is understanding who buys what, where, when, why, and how. From campaign and ad testing, to shopping research, new product development, pricing research, concept testing and more, novice and expert researchers always have something new […]

Marketing Research Essentials: How to Reduce the Risks of Marketing Innovation Through Consumer Research

Like the academic strategy of “Publish or Perish,” consumer brands often have a strategy of “Innovate or Die.” Many companies see product and service innovations as one of the most important paths to long-term business success. With innovation being a […]

Five Guys Mystery Shops Every Location Twice Per Week. Why don’t you?

Up until recently, Five Guys, a popular burger store with more than 1500 locations, conducted ZERO advertising and marketing campaigns. They value the customer experience so highly that they send mystery shoppers to every location twice a week. That’s a […]

Getting to know all about you: An introduction to the Shop-Along research methodology

Shop-alongs are a type of qualitative research wherein a trained researcher conducts observational research and one-to-one, in-depth interviews in-situ, during consumers’ shopping trips. In essence, the researcher “shops along” with the person. This methodology allows the researcher to gather in-the-moment […]

Can market researchers ditch the p-value?

Among quantitative researchers, p-values are a much desired yet disputed topic. P-values help us by identifying the likelihood that two (or more) numbers in our research results would be different by chance, thereby allowing us to identify which products and […]

What are the different types of marketing segmentation?

In the marketing world, segmentation research involves identifying subgroups of people within a larger population so that each subgroup has similar needs or desires. Understanding the various segments of people within a product or service category allows marketers to design […]

What are the key features of a perfect package test?

Creating effective packaging to display products on a shelf is not as simple as stuffing a few handfuls of macaroni into a plastic bag or a box. A great package is functional, accessible, attractive, unique in its own right, and […]

From field to lab to virtual research methods: How to choose the right degree of external validity for your product shelf-test

Consumers don’t usually consciously think about their process of picking an item off the store shelf but market researchers do. Shelf-tests help researchers better understand that process, particularly when the consumer decision seems arbitrary or illogical. This type of research […]

Full Service or Specialized Service: Which research provider is right for you?

With a full range of potential market research partners at our fingertips, how do you know when to use specialized research providers or outsource projects in one fell swoop to a single research provider? Let’s review the options. Full service […]

4 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Qualitative Research Recruiter

From focus groups to individual interviews and every qualitative technique in between, once you’ve decided that conducting qualitative research is the best option to solve your research problem, choosing a recruiter who will best suit your needs is the next […]