With nearly 40 years of expertise in the Canadian market research space, we’ve collected together a lot of stories. Funny stories, heartwarming stories, and downright strange and outrageous stories.
We’ve also learned a lot. Not only have we learned a lot about Canadians and what makes them tick, we’ve learned a lot about research methodologies. Our company was founded when paper and pencil surveys, door-to-door interviews, and focus groups were standard practices. Over the decades, as technology permitted it and clients delighted in it, the research industry continued to evolve and we added more data collection techniques to our services. That means online bulletin boards, online focus groups, online facial coding and, of course, online surveys.
With our decades of experience in Canadian research and a multitude of fieldwork options, we can expertly guide our clients to the methodologies that will best suit their needs. Whether that means a mall-intercept to collect taste-test data for a highly confidential new snack or beverage, conducting an A/B product test by mailing frozen snacks to people’s homes, or gathering opinions about a new package from a representative online sample of English and French Canadians, we love collecting your data for you.
With so many stories and so much knowledge collected over the years, it only seems fair to share some of it outside our walls. I hope you’ll tune in as we start sharing those stories in our brand-new blog. Stay tuned!